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Hiking Expedition 2:

On the 1st October 2015, Uniformed and Public Services went on a hike, starting from Bridgwater College and finishing in Cannington.

We started off in the same way as the first hiking expedition by spliting the group into a number of seperate groups to plan which route to take.

We had the same objective which was to lead and navigate the group at specific times and locations. We decided to download the mobile App 'Strava' that configures the route we have taken and will display the topography on a geological map. This is a useful tool when planning a route as it can also calculate how many miles/kilometres we were going to walk. The specific route we hiked was using the roads compared to the alternative route which was across country. I prefered this route slightly easier as I believe it was easier to nagivate because of the road signs that were available to help us work out which direction to take when leading the group.

Strengths during the Hiking Expedition:

When each group were planning the route, I believe I was rather helpful. I offered my assistance by engaging with my group to read the map as I am confident in map reading. This could mean our group were able to plan the activity more quickly and efficiently. When doing this, I provided my opinions on which is the best route to hike. We decided to cross off specific points on the map with a pencil to allow us to memorise the route. Just before we started the activity, a couple of individuals were not sure if they had brought the correct equipment. I decided to offer my assistance by ensuring that the members of the group were carrying and were witheld the correct equipment, such as clean clothing and food and water.

When actually participating in the activity, myself and another member of the group were asked to the lead the group. At this point we were informed where our destination was and we had to work out which was the best route to take. I then had to explain to the group the route we had decided to take by making sure everyone had at least one map between two and decsribed a step-by-step action plan. I believe I communicated this very well. Everyone understood what I was saying and knew the route that myself and my partener were going to lead. Also, a thew individuals were struggling to undertand what each icon meant on the map. I used my experience and knowledge to help these individuals to ensure they understand exactly what is going on. When we needed to pause to consult the map, I thought it was a good idea that the rest of the group were given a 5 minute break while myself and my partner planned ahead.

Areas to improve for the Hike Expedition:

However, there were moments where I got confused myself as I lost my bearings on the map. This meant we had to stop for a short period of time approximately for five-ten minutes, to figure out where we were on the map and which direction to go. Unfortunetly I had to make allowances with my clothing equipment as I did not bring a pair of appropiate walking boots/shoes. This meant I had to wear trainers that were not really acceptable for the hike but thankfully I was comfortable whilst hiking. Also, I wished I brough extra food and drink as I felt that I did not bring enough. I had eaten all of my food before we stopped for lunch which meant I was extremly hungry and thirsty in the second half of the activity.

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